Additional Photos

Acteon virgatus (Reeve,1842)
no photo
Maximum size: 17.5 mm shell
length. (on-line auction)
species has a cream shell with widely-spaced, axial brown streaks. The
streaks may very in width or be interrupted. There are a few faint
spiral striae. Live animals have translucent-cream bodies.
Natural history: Acteon virgatus
is known from a single shell described as "dredged in sand." (Note 1)
Distribution: Oahu.
Taxonomic notes: ( )
Photo: ( )
Observations and comments:
1: In 2003, a 17.5 mm shell was offered by an on-line auction site. It was labeled "Oahu, Hanaunau;
dredged in sand." No other information is available. You can see photos of shells at Scott Johnson's site here. A photo of a live animal can be seen here.