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unrolled cerata


Caliphylla sp. #1

Maximum size: 40 mm.
species has long, blade-like cerata with rolled margins. It ranges
from olive green to golden brown.
Natural history:
We've never personally seen Caliphylla sp. #1 on Maui where it appears to be rare. However,
it is locally common on Oahu occurring in stands of the green algae Bryopsis in highly
protected to moderately protected locations, generally at depths of
1 m (< 3 ft). The latest Maui animal was found in Bryopsis at about 2.5 m (10 ft) at a moderately exposed site. It's nocturnal and probably feeds on Bryopsis (though the
differences in color may suggest some variation in diet). When
disturbed, it can unroll the margins of it's cerata.
Maui and Oahu.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first
recorded in Hawaii at Magic Island, Oahu by Scott Johnson on Feb.
10, 1980. There's some possibility that more than one species is included under the name.
Photo: PF: brown: Oahu; Sept. 1998.
Observations and comments:
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