Additional Photos


Crithe sp. #1

Maximum size: 1.75 mm shell length.
This is a tiny species with a transparent shell and obscure
sutures. Yellow patches on a black ground show through the shell. The
body and
foot are orange while the eyes are bright red.
Natural history: Crithe sp. #1
is a moderately common species found in rocky habitats at exposed to highly exposed sites.
Taxonomic notes: The shells of this animal are very similar to those of Crithe huna but have slightly broader apexes. The animal is consistently darker than C. huna
and the pattern showing through the shell is composed of discrete yellow
patches on a black ground (as contrasted to irregular bands in C. huna). (Note 1)
Photo: CP: found by PF; Maliko Bay, Maui; April 19, 2008.
Observations and
Note 1: There's some chance that these may be a color form of C. huna
but we've found them only on the north shore of Maui suggesting that
there is also a habitat difference between the two. If they are
different, there's also some possibility that this form could be the
"real" C. huna since Kay provided only a shell-based description and the shells of the two appear to be very similar.