Additional Photos

slightly contracted

no red


rhinophore detail

Facelina sp. #2

Maximum size: 9 mm (Gosliner,
et. al., 2008).
species has a cream body flecked with orange and white.
Superficial wine-red pigment is often (though not always) present on
the bases of the cerata. The rhinophores have two prominent folds near
their tips giving them a zig-zag appearance.
Natural history:
Facelina sp. #2 is
a moderately rare species found primarily in Halimeda kanaloana beds at depths
of 6-20 m (20-66 ft). It lays a white, spiral egg mass with
a ribbon only 1-3 eggs in width (around 0.2 mm) that hatches in about 3
days in the laboratory.
Maui, Oahu and Midway.
Taxonomic notes: It was first
recorded in Hawaii from Midway Atoll by Terry Gosliner and PF in
June, 1993.
CP: 4.5 mm: found by PF; Airport Beach, Maui; April 13, 2006.
Observations and comments:
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