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Unidentified Facelinid sp. #10

Maximum size: 10-12 mm.
body of this species is translucent-beige. The "tail" is violet-blue with a
subterminal white patch. The rhinophores are small and reddish with
white collars. The cephalic tentacles are pale violet-blue with white bands
above their bases. The cerata are white with medial violet-blue bands and
translucent bases. Some small lateral cerata may have dark tips.
The head is translucent-beige centrally and white laterally.
Natural history: Unidentified Facelinid sp. #10 is known from one animal found at 5-7 m (16-23 ft) in a rocky habitat.
Distribution: Big Island.
Taxonomic notes: It was first recorded in Hawaii in South Kona, Big Island by Christiana Hetzel on July 1, 2023. The family is uncertain.
Photo: Christiana Hetzel: 10-12 mm: South Kona, Big Island; July 1, 2023.
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