Additional Photos



foot corner


pair, digging

Unidentified Facelinid sp. #7

Maximum size: 5-6 mm.
has a translucent-cream body with slender cerata, long rhinophores and
long cephalic tentacles. The foot corners appear to be short and acute
but attached to the remainder of the foot by a thin membrane. The
ceratal cores are golden-brown and there are scattered iridescent-white
patches on the cerata and body. Iridescent-white pigment is also
concentrated on the upper surfaces of the rhinophores and cephalic
Cnidosacs appear to be present. It bears some similarity to Godiva sp. #1 but lacks the blue pigment of that species. Also, its cerata don't appear to be arranged in well-defined clusters.
Natural history:
facelinid sp. #7 is known from four animals found crawling, by day, on
open sand at a depth of 8-12 m (27-40 ft). It buries itself in the sand,
if disturbed (or, when seeking food?). (Note 1)
Distribution: Big Island and Kauai.
Taxonomic notes: At first glance, it bears some similarity to Godiva
but the genus remains uncertain pending further material (the family remains uncertain, as well...). It was first
recorded in Hawaii off Kua Bay, Big Island by Celeste Spangler on June
3, 2017.
Photo: Randall Spangler:
5-6 mm: found by Celeste Spangler; off Kua Bay, Big Island; June 3, 2017.
Observations and comments:
1: Marketa Murray reported that her
pair buried themselves, reemerged, then buried themselves again while
observed. Perhaps, this is a variable response to disturbance/threat.
Or, maybe excavating for buried food (retracted hydroids?).