Favorinus japonicus Baba, 1949

feeding on Hexabranchus sandwichensis eggs; also
shows a spiral of F. japonicus
eggs in center
Photos: PF:
Molokini Islet, Maui; May 21, 2008.

feeding, closeup
feeding on Hexabranchus sandwichensis eggs (showing Hexabranchus egg packets)
Photos: Kelly McCaffrey: Maalaea Bay, Maui; Feb. 13, 2022.

complete egg mass with 6+ animals tucked among its folds

closeup of yellow pair on egg
feeding on a large dorid
(or pleurobranchid/umbraculid?) egg mass
CP: Kapalua Bay,
Maui; Oct. 30, 2010. |

feeding on probable sacoglossid egg masses
shows animal feeding on probable sacoglossid egg masses
Photos: John Horn: Ahukini, Kauai; Aug. 18, 2022. |

recent "immigrant"
shows a white animal on a Hexabranchus
egg mass that appears near hatching (illustrates movement between egg
masses since the animal hasn't been on the pink mass long enough to
change color--presumably, it matured feeding on white masses laid by other species)
Photos: Shera Chee Mercer: Pupukea, Oahu; Aug. 21, 2022. |

recent "immigrants" with "residents"
shows cluster of two white animals and three pink animals on a Hexabranchus
egg mass that appears near hatching (illustrates movement between egg
masses since the white animals haven't been on the pink mass long enough
change color); also shows age variation and variation of white spotting in
pink animals
Photos: Phil Peck: South Kohala, Big Island; Sept. 15, 2023. |

recent feeding damage?
shows an animal on a Hexabranchus
egg mass with possible recent feeding damage (orange areas)
Photos: Shera Chee Mercer: Pupukea, Oahu; Aug. 26, 2022. |

feeding on white dorid egg mass
shows animal on a medium-sized, white dorid egg mass
Photos: Rebecca Bicker: Maliko Bay, Maui; Sept. 9, 2022. |

feeding on likely Dendrodoris egg mass
shows a yellow animal on a likely Dendrodoris egg mass with its own egg mass in center, top
Photos: Bruce Malasky: Pawai Bay, Big Island; Jan. 12, 2024. |

feeding on likely dendronotid or aeolid egg mass
shows animal feeding on likely dendronotid or aeolid egg mass (after previously feeding on Hexabranchus eggs)
Photos: Karolle Wall: outside Ko'ie'ie Fishpond, Kalepolepo, Maui; Dec. 18, 2024. |