Additional Photos

3rd animal



oral tentacles



recently fed?

laying eggs

Gymnodoris sp. #11

Maximum size: about 19 mm.
is translucent grayish-white tinged with orange. The notum is covered
with many small, orange tubercles. The front of the head is shelf-like,
without processes, and the oral tentacles are large and blunt (resembling
an elongate fold). The rhinophores are proportionately small and
close-set with about ten strongly angled lamellae and orange apexes. The branchia take the form of an arc of about 10
leaves that cover the anus. They have orange tips, orange tubercles on
the rachis and faint white granules at their bases. The genital pore is
slightly forward of the halfway point between the branchia and the
Natural history:
Gymnodoris sp. #11
is known from about a dozen animals. The second two were found crawling rapidly, by day, on sand at about 30 m (98 ft). (Note 1) The others were found on sand at 12-17m (40-55 ft). It lays a cream egg mass.
Distribution: Big Island.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first
in Hawaii from Ho'okena, Big Island by Ryan Boerema on July 26, 2021.
Photo: Marketa Murray: about 6-7 mm: off Old Kona Airport Beach Park, Big Island; Aug. 1, 2021.
Observations and comments:
1: Marketa found them while photographing Siphopteron quadrispinosum. Perhaps, they prey on that species?