Additional Photos

Kaloplocamus sp. #1

Maximum size:
is a mottled-orange species with a few white flecks. The lateral
processes are elaborately branched. The rhinophores are proportionately long with lamellae on
their anterior/lateral faces. It's more flattened, in profile, than most members
of the genus.
Natural history:
Kaloplocamus sp. #1
is known from one animal found, at night, at a depth of about 4 m
(13 ft). It was at a protected site with a silty bottom.
Big Island: also known from Papua New Guinea.
Taxonomic notes:
was first recorded in Hawaii at Kawaihae, Big Island by Ryan Boerema on July 25,
2023. It's a good match for "Kaloplocamus sp. 8" in Gosliner, et. al.
Photo: Ryan Boerema: Kawaihae, Big Island; July 25, 2023.
Observations and comments:
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