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Murphydoris cf. cobbi Paz-Sedano, Smirnoff, Candás, Gosliner & Pola, 2022

Maximum size: 3-4 mm.
has a cream body heavily frosted with white, dorsally. There are dark
brown lines on the dorsal margin, a dark brown patch on the front of the
head and dark brown saddles behind both the rhinophores and
extrabranchial processes. The rhinophores are simple and the
extrabranchial processes are weakly scalloped on their posterior margins. There are no
visible branchia.
Natural history:
Murphydoris cf. cobbi
is known from three animals found at a depth of 5-8 m (15-25 ft) at
moderately exposed to moderately protected rocky sites.
Distribution: Maui and Kauai: may be widely distributed in the Indo-pacific.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first
recorded in Hawaii from Ulua Beach, Maui by Katherine Shepherd on Oct. 29,
2022. It appears to be close to the recently described M. cobbi found elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific but has more extensive brown markings.
Photo: Jenna Szerlag: 1 mm: Ulua Beach, Maui; Nov. 7, 2022.
Observations and comments:
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