Additional Photos

2nd animal



Pelagella(?) sp. #1

Maximum size: 2 mm.
This is a cream animal with broad, two-lobed lateral shelves edged
in white. The rhinophores are white, tipped in blood-red with yellow
subapical rings. The branchia are white and there are white bands on
the posterior portion of the notum and the front of the head.
Natural history:
Pelagella(?) sp. #1
is known from two animals. The second was found at a moderately exposed site at < 2 m (< 6 ft).
Maui: also known from Papua New Guinea and Japan.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first recorded in Hawaii from Makena, Maui by PF on Oct. 19,
1995. There's some possibility that it will ultimately turn out to be a Goniodoris sp.
Photo: PF: 2
mm: Makena, Maui; Oct. 19, 1995.
Observations and comments:
1: ( )