Additional Photos

Unidentified Pleurobranchid #2

Maximum size: 4.3 mm shell
This species has a flattened, "squared off" shell with a low spire and
very fine radiating striae. It resembles mature shells of Berthellina
delicata but has a
smaller protoconch, lower spire and no brown "staining".
Natural history:
pleurobranchid #2 is
known only from a handful of shells found in beach drift at moderately
exposed to exposed sites.
Taxonomic notes:
These shells differ from the shells of other Hawaiian pleurobranchids
in their profile, spire height and protoconch size suggesting the
presence of one more small shallow water species. (Note 1)
Photo: CP:
composite photo, same shell; 4.3 mm: beach drift; Mokuleia Bay, Maui;
fall, 1984.
Observations and comments:
1: These shells could turn out to be from Berthellina sp. #1, "un. sp.
#3" or "something else." It will require further work to resolve the issue.