Additional Photos


Pupa sp. #1

Maximum size: 10.9 mm shell
length (Bishop Museum material).
shells of this species may be distinguished from those of Pupa pudica
by their slender form,
divided columellar fold and lack of peach blotches. They may be
distinguished from shells of Pupa
tessellata by their more closely spaced spiral striae. Some
shells have sparsely distributed, grayish spots.
Natural history:
Pupa sp. #1 is
known only from shells dredged at depths of 43 m (141 ft) to at least
219 m (718 ft)
(mostly Bishop Museum material).
Maui and Oahu.
Taxonomic notes:
The gray-spotted form is probably listed as Pupa sp. in Severns, 2011 (shell in latter more slender than average).
Photo: CP: 10
mm: Bishop Museum lot # 222190; 128-366 m (420-1201 ft), dredged; Oahu.