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Purpurcapsula exigua (Gray, 1871)

Maximum size: 5.5 mm shell length.
Identification: The shells of this species are distinctive in being pale pink with darker pink blotches.
Natural history: Purpurcapsula exigua
is a rare species, probably largely restricted to Halimeda kanaloana
beds. We've never found live animals but we've found shells in beach
drift and in sand samples from the beds. Size at maturity is variable
(4.5-5.5 mm shell length).
Big Island, Maui and Oahu: widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific.
Taxonomic notes:
It's listed in Kay, 1979, as Trivia exigua. It may also be listed in Severns, 2011 as Purpurcapsula zzyzyxia. The latter appears to be identical to P. exigua (as illustrated) except for the degree of wear.
CP: 5.5 mm, worn; composite photo, same shell: Hekili Point, Maui; 1983.
Observations and
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