Additional Photos

2nd view

2nd animal

Spinoaglaja(?) sp. #3

Maximum size: 8 mm.
is a light brown animal faintly reticulated in darker brown and
flecked with white. It has four symmetrically placed patches of brick
red pigment and its surface is decorated with small, widely spaced
white-tipped tubercles.
Natural history:
Spinoaglaja(?) sp.
#3 is
known from only two animals: one found on the inner reef flat at Hekili
Point at a depth of about 1 m (3 ft) and the other found at a depth of
about 8 m (25 ft) at Kawahae. The first was picked up in an algae wash.
The second was crawling in the open, by day.
Big Island and Maui; also known from Indonesia and the Red Sea.
Taxonomic notes:
was first
in Hawaii at Hekili Point, Maui by CP on May 15, 1999. Manuel Malaquias
suggested that this species is a Spinoaglagia based on external
features but it hasn't been confirmed by anatomy or DNA. (pers. com.) Gosliner, et. al. 2018 lists it as Philinopsis sp 5.
Photo: PF: 8
mm: found by CP; Hekili Point, Maui; May 15, 1999.
Observations and comments:
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