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Tenellia diminutiva (Gosliner, 1980)

Maximum size: 5 mm (Gosliner,
This species has a translucent cream body flecked with white and
mottled with brown. The rhinophores and cephalic tentacles have two
brown bands and the cerata have brown cores and blue tips with
subapical white rings. The cerata have a medial swelling.
Natural history:
The only known
specimens of Tenellia diminutiva
were found in the thermal pollution tables at Coconut Island, Kaneohe
Bay. It feeds on a corinid hydroid. (Gosliner, 1979)
Taxonomic notes:
It was first recorded in Hawaii from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu by Terry Gosliner in
July, 1973 and is listed in Gosliner, 1980 as Cuthona diminutiva.
Photo: Terry
Gosliner: Kaneohe Bay, Oahu.
Observations and comments:
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