Additional Photos

2nd view


Tenellia sp. #30

Maximum size: about 2-3 mm.
body of this aeolid is translucent-cream with a hint of brown in the
branches of the digestive gland. Its sides have cloudy patches, the
tips of its cerata are frosted with white and there are a few white
flecks on its rhinophores. The rhinophores are long and smooth
(distinguishing it from the similar-appearing Tenellia sp. #22) while the cephalic tentacles are short. The eye spots are small.
Natural history:
Tenellia sp. #30
is known from two animals found on debris/bryozoan colonies on a sand
bottom. They were at a depth of 5-8 m (15-25 ft) at a protected to
moderately protected site. It probably feeds on a large hydroid (Corymorpha sp.?).
Distribution: Kauai.
Taxonomic notes:
was first found in Hawaii at Hanalei Bay, Kauai by Jackie Hanberg on July 13, 2023.
Photo: John Horn: about 2-3 mm: found by Jackie Hanberg; Hanalei Bay, Kauai; July 13, 2023.
Observations and comments:
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