Additional Photos




shell exposed

Cleotrivia globosa (Gray in G. B. Sowerby II, 1832)

Maximum size: 4 mm shell length (Severns, 2011).
Identification: In mature animals the mantle is dusky gray with light brown patches on
the simple tubercles. Occasionally, it may show a greenish tinge dorsally. The upper surface of the body is similar in color
to the mantle but the foot is translucent cream with orange flecks. The
foot is truncated posteriorly. Shells are white and globular. Size at
maturity is variable (2.8-4 mm shell length based on my material and Severns, 2011).
Natural history: Cleotrivia globosa
is a moderately rare species found occasionally in Halimeda kanaloana beds at a depth of 5-9 m (15-30 ft).
Maui: widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific.
Taxonomic notes:
It's listed in Kay, 1979, as Trivia globosa. It may also be listed in Severns, 2011 as Cleotrivia pilula. Differences between the two, as illustrated, may be due to differences in size at maturity.
CP: found by PF; Kenolio Park, Maui; Dec. 5, 2014.
Observations and
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