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Gymnodoris sp. #10

Maximum size: ( )
is a white animal with widely spaced pale-orange spots. The branchia are white
and form a complete circle. The rhinophores are white and closely
spaced while the cephalic hood has a smooth profile.
Natural history:
Gymnodoris sp. #10
is known from a single animal found floating at night at an exposed rocky site.
Distribution: Oahu.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first
in Hawaii from Pupukea, Oahu by Scott Johnson
in the 1970s. (Note 1)
Photo: Scott Johnson: Pupukea, Oahu; May 27, 1978.
Observations and comments:
1: There's some chance that this
animal might turn out to be a damaged or juvenile specimen of another
species. But, the rhinophores and cephalic hood seem distinctive.