Additional Photos


young, 4.9 mm

more white

more dark orange


egg mass

Kaloplocamus ramosus (Cantraine, 1835)

Maximum size: about 18 mm.
This is a yellow to burnt-orange animal variably flecked with white. A series of
processes running around the notum have clusters of sharp-tipped branches on
their ends (sometimes decorated with darker orange).
Natural history:
Kaloplocamus ramosus
is a rare nocturnal species found in moderately to highly
exposed rocky habitats and Halimeda
kanaloana beds at depths of 5-12 m (17-39 ft). Scott Johnson reports
it apparently feeding on a branching bryozoan. It lays an
orange, spiral egg mass that hatches in about five days in the
Big Island, Maui, Oahu, and Kure: may be widely distributed in the
Indo-Pacific; introduced into the Mediterranean.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first recorded in Hawaii at Pupukea, Oahu by Scott Johnson on May 29,
1978. For current purposes, the name refers to the form illustrated in Gosliner, et. al. 2008.
Photo: CP: 17
mm: Black Rock, Maui; Aug. 5, 2001.
Observations and comments:
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